Hi Kelly. I've been studying this! Last year, while visiting NZ, I had the inner experience of connection with the Waitaha, and Rongo-maraeroa, "their" Goddess of Peace. The mystical energy fairly rattled my bones, and I have felt, ever since, the compulsion to learn more. I am reading The Trail of the Waitaha, by Tim Willcocks, and Forbidden History by John Dudley Allsworth, as well as all of Barry Brailsford's books. I have been fascinated to learn the origins you speak of, as well as arrivals from the Tibetan plateau, and possibly Atlantis... the research is sketchy as best.
I fell in love with your country last year and her underlying story of a people of peace and oneness. {that and the culture itself}I had planned a retreat in the Catlins for November but have canceled it due to the state of the world at present. Soon, I hope.
Thank you so much for writing this! I am re-inspired.