I love this! Wearing the sweats as I write as well. ;)
What a lovely story! Haven’t we all done this, at one time or other? well, maybe not the actual darts, for the uninitiated. ;o)
I no longer own darts or maps… though I borrowed a friend’s globe the other day to note that Ireland and New Zealand are almost exactly on the other side of the world from one another… from a certain point of view.
These two islands hold magically similar magic. Long ago populated by {similar} tribes of wanderers… those of the Tribes of Peace. Tuatha de Danaan and the Waitaha. LOVE.
Aiming for these two islands simultaneously would take ballistically launched missile-darts, with their own guidance systems… or HERS. And so it seems my wardrobe and I will be that trajectory, as SHE aims us.
I suspect that owning the right wardrobe is an experience-gained skill. It certainly has been for me.
Thanks so much for your reply!