One of my most amazing orchid experiences was with a redwood planter box of them on my deck in Berkeley. Sitting in the dappled shade of a dwarf magnolia, they bloomed and spread like gangbusters. The box was well drained, which they seemed to like. These were pinkish lanvendar dendrobiums. Watching them reappear at semi-regular intervals year-round wass such a joy! The magnolia tree seemed to enjoy their company. And, as you say, I never did too much for them other than to admire.
The other orchids I've loved and tended {many} have had a few things in common. Yes, they like to breathe. That moss favored by shoppes is nasty. Good move on tossing it. At least imho. And, consider their natural environment. I queried orchid growers on visits to Hawaii to try to ascertain why the dendrobiums did well and most of the phaels bloomed spectacularly then never again. No consistent answers to report. ;)
Some of the most amazing orchids I've witnessed grow on trees. Sheltered sun exposure and watering by filtered rainfall. One such cascade of blooms lives outside of Hilo on the big island. I asked one of the groundskeepers if that cascade had been humanly placed just so for the tourists. Laughing, he replied that it had, but that it was half the size at that time and "it likes it there."
It's all about finding what most supports us, isn't it?
Beautiful post, Erika.