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“10 !” ~ Not What You’d Think

Nalini MacNab
4 min readJun 18, 2019


Tens years ago, ten days ago, today. I was rushed to the hospital with a brain ‘event.’ I had not even begun to get my feet back under me from a property-related bankruptcy when my healthy body went the way of everything else. My whole life, at that point, had dissolved into HER flow, though I had not quite gotten there yet in understanding. Total dissolution of an old life. Ground zero. Commencement time.

It gave me shivers to see those stats this morning. An anniversary to the power of ten. Ten years ago, ten days ago, I had what the medical profession calls a white stroke. I have written about my ‘near death’ experience as part of my book, Walk A(New)way, and here, on Medium. Not the least nor the greatest of HER gifts of vision, that little excursion heavenwards, still it marked an intensity of passage. A passage being echoed…today.

Today I am remembering so much more than I did post-event. Mostly the miraculous. I’ll give attention to those stats, any and every day! Hells to the yes! It has been a decade of miracles. Tough lessons, one and all, and yet I would trade none of them. Vision and clarity gained outweigh the wrinkles of any given day.

In numerology, ten is the number of a cycle of learning completed.{Not Bo Derek’s phone number} Graduation / commencement, re-set, re-evaluation, revolution and re-invention are happening for us…



Nalini MacNab
Nalini MacNab

Written by Nalini MacNab

I live, learn, write, create and share the experience of embodying HER Infinite Love.

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