Thank you for the loving kindness you show every. single. day. In the OR, in your writing and as you breathe into life.
Most of the practitioners were kind. I had the local anesthesia type… so I would have remembered if there had been anyone there to hold my hand. Though the body knows, so those women whose hands you have hel know as well, even if not consciously.
I do remember the clinic for my first… one of the young techs at least talked me through it. Only 60 seconds… halfway through now…remember to breathe…and it helped. I recall one of the other women in the recovery area reassuring me that “it gets better” which of course it does.
Thank you for being there for so many of our sisters. Did you know Thursday is Thor’s day in the Nordic traditions, whence come our calendar names? Thank you for moving women’s hearts out from under the hammer.
Love to you ~ Nalini {she of the tipped uterus… that it took a decade to diagnose}