Thanks, Beth. Great piece.
Various logistics determined that I now own what fits into 4 large suitcases. It was not a minimalist intent thaht drove my series of downsizes, but not having many things taught me some of what you articulate here so eloquently.
I, too, admire the Scandinavians, and did so when I had the large house that you've dreamed of. Funny, how the grass is always greener elsewhere. Now that I'm living with a friend, her over-filled house is something I've had to learn to live with, whilst yearning for those cozy open rooms you so well describe. Only two or three of them! Little is love-livable! At 65, I don't want to have to manage a large home, especially on my own.
My father is downsizing at this time as well. I'm sending him your link to hopefully ease the process.