That’s quite a promise! Bless you for that. I have not written much about that connection but I would love to. One of the things I love about Queen’s Children is an inherent permission to write in a truer voice. I hadn’t realized I needed that. My students read my posts in Goddess Portal, so for years there has been a bit of an editor, a holding back. No more! The floodgates have been creaking open, and this publication offered a welcoming hand.
As you know, the dragons guard the gateways between this worlds. Electromagnetic flows of Her power, they have been misunderstood, their power usurped and their energies abused. As you have noted. If I could change one piece of Christian art, it would be St. George/’Archangel Michael’ plunging a spear into the dragon’s heart, thus slaying that energy.
{Michel states that he never did such a thing and would not for any power in all the worlds!}
Had you noticed that both angels and dragons have wings? ;)