We are all multidimensional beings. The engineered 'split' between 3/5 D is one of perspective... that, yes, has been dualistically framed into perceptively rigid structures. In truth, most of this world now floats foundationally in 4D, the dimension which creates time as strucure.It is a bridge type of reality experience to ease the transit most are experiencing from 3 to 5 D. From a mulutidimensional perspecdtive, there are infinite points of view. We have an opportunity to integrate as many points of view as possible within this lifetime. I remember, during my dark night experience, integrating all sorts... including povs I feared or that were repulsive to the 'me' that was undergoing the transformation. Not only from one dimension to another, but infinite perspectives from many.
The article is brilliant and a good first step into the wider perspective we will all eventually confront.