What the Doves Know is True
Warmth and light and life can be found in the coldest of times and places.
As I wrapped myself in another blanket, turning up the heat being a pointless and expensive endeavor, I glanced out the window. The frigid air had warmed, suddenly, in a burst of new sun.
Covered in ice crystals only moments ago, the railing now steamed a bit, offering perch and purchase for three local doves.
Grabbing my camera, I marveled at the way they sat so still. Not puffed up and warming from within a feathered orb, as the birds had done for days now, these doves sat quietly, letting the daystar give its life-giving gift of warmth and light. Letting nature care for their immediate need.
For an hour or more, we sat quietly together, meditating in the Grace of the sun. Then, as one the three turned and faced me. No words, only acknowledgement of the Grace we four had shared. They, in their feathered garb, me, wrapped in my woolen blanket, welcoming the sun’s return together.
Peace. Stillness. Solace. Comfort. Warmth. {and the copious availability of wild bird seed, generously distributed}
The doves know what matters and is true. And for us too. { except the bird seed… well, maybe the bird seed… } ;)
~ Namaste ~